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The Cuban Missile Crisis
Take a look into the inner workings of American Government at a time when tensions reached to the limit of conflict in Cuba. Join panel members from the Kennedy cabinet discussing what it was like from the beginning to the end of the conflict, and find out how our government responded to the challenges presented to them. Panel members include Dean Rusk, former secretary of State under J.F.K., Donald Wilson, Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency at the time, and General Maxwell Taylor, all of whom are joined by moderator Richard Neustadt of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University to discuss the crisis. Watch these historic cabinet members and many more share insights into this major event in American history.
To hear thoughts on a range of topics recorded by The Idea Channel® (an initiative of Free To Choose Network) click the links below.
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase I
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to President John F. Kennedy for National Security Affairs, Edwin Martin,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase II - Part 1
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Robert S. McNamara, Secy. of Defense under J.F.K., George W. Ball, an Under Secy. of State for J.F.K.,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase II - Part 2
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Robert S. McNamara, Secy. of Defense under J.F.K., George W. Ball, an Under Secy. of State for J.F.K.,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase III
Richard Neustadt, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and General Maxwell Taylor discuss Taylor's key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis.