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Join some of the brightest minds of our time in discussing what makes humans unique. Learn about the history of major world events from the eyes of those who lived it, and gain insights into the rise and fall of governmental arrangements including the creation of the constitution and the ideas of great thinkers of the time. Explore different cultures at home and abroad, and delve into what artistic mediums mean for those creating these cultural trends and for those absorbing them.
To hear thoughts on a range of topics recorded by The Idea Channel® (an initiative of Free To Choose Network) click the links below.
Culture War
Thomas C. Kohler, Associate Professor of Law at Boston College Law School, Kenneth R. Craycraft Sr., Teaching Fellow-Theology at Boston College, and Harvey Mansfield, Professor of Government at...
Friedrich A. Hayek Discussions: Leo Rosten - Part 1
Noted economist Friedrich von Hayek, PhD Economics and author, Leo Rosten engage in hour one of a lively and occasionally controversial three-part interview of, in a wide-ranging discussion of von...
Friedrich A. Hayek Discussions: Leo Rosten - Part 3
Noted economist Friedrich von Hayek, PhD Economics and author, Leo Rosten engage in hour three of a lively and occasionally controversial three-part interview of, in a wide-ranging discussion of von...
Mystery Stories
The Hoover Institute's Joe McNamara, Edward Jajko, and Gloria Valentine discuss their favorite mystery authors, novels, and writing styles. McNamara shares his experiences as a former police chief and...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase I
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to President John F. Kennedy for National Security Affairs, Edwin Martin,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase II - Part 1
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Robert S. McNamara, Secy. of Defense under J.F.K., George W. Ball, an Under Secy. of State for J.F.K.,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase II - Part 2
Panel members Richard Neustadt, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Robert S. McNamara, Secy. of Defense under J.F.K., George W. Ball, an Under Secy. of State for J.F.K.,...
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Phase III
Richard Neustadt, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and General Maxwell Taylor discuss Taylor's key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The PRC Forum: Jennifer Roback
Slavery was necessary for ratification of the Constitution. Repulsive to modern thought, in 1787 that was the cost of including the southern states in the Union. Jennifer Roback's examination of the...
The PRC Forum: Midge Decter
Women's liberation has "liberated" men and sacrificed millions of children. Decter, past editor of Harper's, author, mother, and grandmother, blames the feminist movement. There is no problem...
Things Into Fiction
Discussion with Professor Richard G. Stern, Helen A. Regenstein Professor Emeritus, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Chicago, and Professor Richard A. Strier, Frank L....