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The Idea Channel® Discussions
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Science & Technology
Where did we come from? What’s waiting for us in the universe? How did life come to be, and where is it heading? How does all of this relate to the progression of technology and science including the social and physical sciences? Take a journey with experts throughout the science and technology field on many different subjects to discuss all aspects of these diverse studies from computer science to psychology and sociology.
To hear thoughts on a range of topics recorded by The Idea Channel® (an initiative of Free To Choose Network) click the links below.
Condensed Matter Physics
1977 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Dr. Philip W. Anderson and Professor Shivaji Sondhi discuss what exactly the principles behind Condensed Matter Physics are. The conversation moves from the basic...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Abraham Sofaer
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Abraham D. Sofaer discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his time within...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Bob Chitester
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Founder of Free To Choose Network Bob Chitester discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his time within the...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Chester Crocker
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Georgetown University Professor of Strategic Studies Chester Crocker discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  David D. Friedman
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Santa Clara University Law Professor David D. Friedman discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his time...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Henry Rowen
Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Stanford Professor Emeritus Henry Rowen discuss foreign policy and national security, particularly the organizational question of the proper roles of the...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Kelly Shultz
Kelly Shultz discusses George Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his time within the Reagan administration.
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Kenneth W. Dam
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Max Pam Professor Emeritus of American & Foreign Law at the University of Chicago Kenneth W. Dam discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Richard Pipes
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Harvard University Professor Emeritus of History Richard Pipes discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Robert Conquest
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Hoover Institution Fellow Robert Conquest discuss their unique perspectives on the Soviet Union. From economics to architecture, to culture, hear...
Conversations with George P. Shultz:  Shelby Steele
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Hoover Institution Research Fellow Shelby Steele discuss their experience with race and discrimination. Shultz shares his role within the Nixon...
Economic Reasoning and Sexual Behavior
Richard Posner, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Larry Lessig, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, and Tom Smith, Director General of the Social Survey at the...
Efforts in Eastern Europe to Localize Government
Robert Ebel, International Government Finance Economist, Milton Friedman, 1976 Nobel laureate in Economics, and Tom Hazlett, Editor-in-Chief of The Wesleyan Review discuss the pitfalls and triumphs of...
Erosion of the Constitution
Dr. Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and 1986 Nobel Economist Dr. James Buchanan assert that the present U.S. form of government bears little resemblance to the...
For the Love of Work
Professors Sidney Hook and Tibor Machan explore the controversial life and ideology of Karl Marx, giving particular attention to Marx's ideas on work.
Friedrich A. Hayek Discussions: Leo Rosten - Part 1
Noted economist Friedrich von Hayek, PhD Economics and author, Leo Rosten engage in hour one of a lively and occasionally controversial three-part interview of, in a wide-ranging discussion of von...
Gary Becker Discussions:  Gary Becker
Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Nobel laureate Gary Becker discuss Shultz’s career and his thoughts on issues that have transpired since his time within the Reagan...
Health Care Reform
Alain Enthoven, PhD Economics, and Milton Friedman, PhD Economics, discuss what can be done to control health care costs? What is the origin of employer paid health benefits? Can market forces solve...
High Cost of Pseudo-Environmentalism
Dr. Walter Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Dr. Fred Singer, President of The Science & Environmental Policy Project suggest that communism...
Learning and Memory
Dr. Timothy Tully, Senior Staff Investigator at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Dr. Eric Kandel, Senior Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and 2000 Nobel Prize winner in...
Maintaining Self-Esteem Against the Odds
When society or misfortune tells people that they are inferior, how do people maintain dignity, optimism, and self-worth? Dr. Jennifer Crocker, Professor of Psychology at SUNY-Buffalo, and Dr. Roy F....
Managed Care and Medicare
Rita Ricardo-Campbell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Kevin Hopkins, Senior Domestic Policy Aide during the Reagan Administration, examine the Clinton Administration's proposed health...
Meet David Attenborough
David Attenborough answers questions from his many admirers. He explains his famous encounter with the gorillas, his life-long interest in nature, science, and protecting the environment, and how his...
Perspectives on Judicial Activism
The Honorable Robert Bork and Douglas H. Ginsburg discuss changes in the judicial system since Bork’s tenure, including the use of economics, judicial imperialism, and the differences between...
Role of Government in a Free Society
This discussion features Dr. Walter Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Dr. William Stull, Chairman of the Economics Department at Temple University, and Dr. William...
Science and Religion
Legendary broadcaster Hugh Downs talks with Robert Jastrow, director of the Mt. Wilson Institute. Jastrow is a globally renowned astronomer associated with the cutting edge of investigation into...
Science, Culture, and the Modern World
Michael Rose, Professor of Biology, UC Irvine, and Gregory Benford, Professor of Physics, UC Irvine, contrast scientists with students of the humanities. They find the latter sadly lacking in...
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Dr. Charles Townes, 1964 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Dr. Bernard Sadoulet, Prof. of Physics, Dir. of the Center for Particle Physics, UC Berkeley, and Dr. Mark Davis, Prof. of Physics and...
The Origin, Evolution & Future of Life
1974 Nobel Prize winner Christian de Duve (Physiology - Medicine) and broadcaster Hugh Downs discuss views on the evolution of life...past, present, and future.
The PRC Forum: Bruce Ames
Inventor of the Ames Test and Chairman of Biochemistry at Berkeley, Professor Ames is concerned with the exaggeration of the danger of chemical residues in the environment. Peanut butter sandwiches...
The PRC Forum: Charles Murray
Charles Murray, former Peace Corps volunteer, social scientist, and author of "Losing Ground" and "The Pursuit of Happiness," is appalled by the effects of welfare programs. He explains how government...
The PRC Forum: David Horowitz
David Horowitz (BA Columbia-1959; MA UC Berkeley-1961) is an author/editor. In this discussion with co-editor Peter Collier, Horowitz now describes himself as a conservative. He challenges his past...
The PRC Forum: Ed Crane
Ed Crane, formerly a financial analyst and leading advocate of classical liberal ideas, is interviewed while President of the CATO Institute. Crane discusses the systemic nature of government growth...
The PRC Forum: Ed Feulner
Ed Feulner, as President of The Heritage Foundation, discusses the facts and fictions of government growth and services. He explains why advocates of ideas can't stop fighting, even when the ideas are...
The PRC Forum: James Buchanan
James Buchanan, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, and 1986 Nobel laureate, discusses political and constitutional rules within which politicians operate. He analyzes incentives faced...
Vitamins and Medicine
Richard A. Kunin, Past President of the Orthomolecular Medical Society, and Gladys Block, Professor of Public Health Nutrition & Epidemiology at UC Berkeley, join Linus Pauling, 1954 Nobel Laureate in...