Free To Choose Network | The Real Adam Smith
The Real Adam Smith
Johan Norberg
International commentator Johan Norberg is an author, filmmaker, and editor whose focus is globalization, entrepreneurship, and individual liberty. He serves as Executive Editor at Free To Choose Media; he is a Senior Fellow at Cato Institute; and he has been one of the writers and the host of nearly a dozen documentaries for public television.
Torben Andersen
Electrical Engineer, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller
Robert Blyth
Senior Curator, National Maritime Museum
Eamonn Butler
Director, Adam Smith Institute
Mike Craig
Marketing / Ecommerce Manager, Gelb Music
Mark Dimunation
Chief, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, United States Library of Congress
Sam Fleischacker
Professor of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Ryan Patrick Hanley
Associate Professor of Political Science, Marquette University
Rene J. Hansen
Chief Officer, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller
Xingxing Li
JSD Candidate, University of Chicago Law School
John Mackey
Co-CEO Whole Foods Markets
Robert MacLean
Assistant Librarian of Special Collections, Glasgow University
Carol Medeiros
Produce Coordinator, Whole Foods Market
Jes Meinertz
Captain, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller
Lindsay Mucha
Store Team Leader, Whole Foods Market
Per Schilling Nielsen
Chief Engineer, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller
James R. Otteson
Executive Director and Professor, Wake Forest University
Alan Pardoe
Head of Marketing Communications, Airbus
Nicholas Phillipson
Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh
George Proudfoot
Director/ Trustee Adam Smith Global Foundation
Ning Wang
Professor of Economics, Ronald Coase Institute
Devin Wenig
President and CEO - eBay Marketplaces
Bill Zachs
Distinguished Scottish Enlightenment Fellow
Luigi Zingales
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago