Larisa Isayeve recounts the war that started, seemingly out of nowhere, and completely destroyed her quiet, peaceful village, in Is America in Retreat?
Is America in Retreat? visits the Sierra Madre, the Philippines’ farthest reaching military outpost, which sits as the last line of defense from China taking over yet another swath of territory from the small island nation.
Johan Norberg hosts Is America in Retreat?, a personal exploration of the questions facing a nation leaning back toward isolationism.
Is America in Retreat? is based on the book, America in Retreat by Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist and author Bret Stephens and examines the decline of the Pax Americana, or the period of peace enforced primarily by the American military.
A Ukrainian soldier pays his respects to over one hundred protesters who were killed during anti-Russian demonstrations that led to the ousting of the current president, in Is America in Retreat?
Viktor Susak, a former university professor who was so inspired by his patriotism that he left his position to join the Ukrainian fight against encroaching Russian forces, talks about his experience in Is America in Retreat?
Alexander and Irina Susak describe the realities of war and the lingering effects and consequences they will feel for the rest of their lives, in Is America in Retreat?
Is America in Retreat? host Johan Norberg stands along the Narva River, and although beautiful, it serves as an important boundary between Russia and Estonia and has seen centuries worth on conflict that continue to this day.
Haman shares his family’s story of seeking refuge from Syria in Is America in Retreat? and recounts his once-beautiful country before it was torn apart by violence.
In Is America in Retreat? the father of a Syrian refugee family shares his view on the role America should play in the Syrian conflict after narrowly escaping the fighting themselves, but losing two older children along the way.
The Israeli army ranks within the top ten in the world, but that comes at a cost. Nearly everyone is drafted into its armed forces, which is just one of the costs associated with a waning American presence, outlined during Is America in Retreat?.
In Is America in Retreat?, boat captains in the South Pacific must be careful not to attract the attention of the Chinese naval forces, as they transport fishermen to waters that China is increasingly claiming as its own.
Military drills are carried out by NATO countries in the Baltic States as a deterrent to more aggressive countries, as seen in Is America in Retreat?.
The military prowess of multiple countries is displayed, in Is America in Retreat?, as an annual drill to deter non-NATO countries from further advances in the Baltic region.
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