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In print, radio, and television, Professor Friedman applied the economic approach to the many challenges of human societies. He has done so in a manner that is both accessible to the average citizen, yet consistent with the best scholarly work.

Articles and Op-Ed Pieces

To those who avoid the hard work of thinking, Milton Friedman is certainly the "infuriating man" portrayed by Leo Rosten. These articles reflect Friedman's cool-headed rationalism and insightful hypothesizing.

An Infuriating Man

The Friedmans have written several books in an effort to communicate ideas to the public at large. We've also included in this list books by other authors which explore similar questions of fact and policy, or extend the application of the Friedmans' analyses.

Capitalism & Freedom
Milton Friedman
Aaron Wildavsky
Two Lucky People
Milton & Rose Friedman
Human Capital
Gary Becker
Free To Choose
Free To Choose
Milton Friedman
Property and Freedom

In his teaching, Milton elevated the already-rigorous intellectual standard for which the University of Chicago is renowned. He relished the lively give-and-take with students and colleagues alike.

Money and Economic Development