Free To Choose Network | India Awakes
India Awakes
Johan Norberg
Johan Norberg
International commentator Johan Norberg is an author, filmmaker, and editor whose focus is globalization, entrepreneurship, and individual liberty. He serves as Executive Editor at Free To Choose Media; he is a Senior Fellow at Cato Institute; and he has been one of the writers and the host of nearly a dozen documentaries for public television.
Jagdish Bhagwati
Jagdish Bhagwati
Professor, economics and law, Columbia University
Rama Bhai
Rama Bhai
Sagai village tribal leader
Amit Chandra
Amit Chandra
Street vendor advocate, Center for Civil Society
Gurcharan Das
Gurcharan Das
Author and commentator
Ramesh Ji
Ramesh Ji
Street vendor
Ambrish Mehtar
Ambrish Mehtar
Founding member, ARCH-Vahini Charitable Trust
Barun Mitra
Barun Mitra
Founder and director, Liberty Institute
Tom Palmer
Tom Palmer
Executive VP for International Programs, Atlas Network
Trupti Parekh Mehta
Trupti Parekh Mehta
Founding member, ARCH-Vahini Charitable Trust
Mannem Madhusudana Rao
Mannem Madhusudana Rao
Chairman and managing director, MMR Group Companies
Banwari Lal Sharma
Banwari Lal Sharma
Street vendor