Free To Choose Network | Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story
Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story
Johan Norberg
Johan Norberg
International commentator Johan Norberg is an author, filmmaker, and editor whose focus is globalization, entrepreneurship, and individual liberty. He serves as Executive Editor at Free To Choose Media; he is a Senior Fellow at Cato Institute; and he has been one of the writers and the host of nearly a dozen documentaries for public television.
Roger Beattie
Roger Beattie
Don Brash
Don Brash
Leader, National Party 2003-2008
Robert Butson
Robert Butson
Farmer, Mount Nicholas Station
Bill Cashmore
Bill Cashmore
5th Generation Farmer
Lynette Cashmore
Lynette Cashmore
Bill Cashmore's Wife
George Clement
Chairman, Seafood New Zealand
Kate Cocks
Kate Cocks
Farmer, Mount Nicholas Station
Dr. Eric Crampton
Dr. Eric Crampton
Head of Research, New Zealand Initiative
Peter Douglas
Peter Douglas
CEO, The Maori Fisheries Trust
Roger Douglas
Roger Douglas
Minister of Finance, 1984 - 1988
Darren Fabricius
Darren Fabricius
Captain, CORAL V fishing boat
Alan Gibbs
Alan Gibbs
Debbi Gibbs
Debbi Gibbs
Music Industry Manager
Jeremy Moon
Jeremy Moon
Founder, Icebreaker
Dave Moore
Dave Moore
Wild Fish New Zealand LTD
Dr. Tom G. Palmer
Dr. Tom G. Palmer
Executive VP of International Programs, Atlas Network
Richard Prebble
Richard Prebble
Associate Minister of Finance, 1984-1987
Roger Rawlinson
Roger Rawlinson
Director RMD Marine LTD
Dan Rawlinson
Dan Rawlinson
Owner/Operator Margaret Philippa Fishing Boat
Ruth Richardson
Ruth Richardson
Minister of Finance, 1990 - 1993
Steven Rosso
Steven Rosso
Manager, Lockwood & Winant, The New Fulton Fish Market
Tom Searle
Tom Searle
Operations Manager, Leigh Fisheries LTD