Free To Choose Network | The Power of Choice
The Power of Choice
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A teacher, scientist, author, revolutionary intellectual, and winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize in economics, Milton Friedman is considered one of the greatest proponents of individual freedom and individual choice.

Photo credit: Professor Steven N.S. Cheung

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Milton Friedman served as economic advisor for two American Presidents - Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Although Friedman was inevitably drawn into the national political spotlight, he never held public office.

Photo credit: Ronald Reagan Library

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Milton and Rose Friedman, seen here in Tiananmen Square, have been partners for sixty-eight years. As Rose says, "two partners, one career."

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Dr. Friedman and his wife, Rose, attend the Nobel Ball in 1976.

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Dr. Friedman gives a speech at the 1976 Nobel ceremony.

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An ever-combative champion of freedom, Milton Friedman’s career and contributions in defense of individual liberty are unique in our time.

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