Free To Choose Network | The Price of Peace
The Price of Peace
Johan Norberg
International commentator Johan Norberg is an author, filmmaker, and editor whose focus is globalization, entrepreneurship, and individual liberty. He serves as Executive Editor at Free To Choose Media; he is a Senior Fellow at Cato Institute; and he has been one of the writers and the host of nearly a dozen documentaries for public television.
Eugene Bickley
Eugene Bickley
U.S. Army (retired)
Peter Biella
Peter Biella
Professor of Anthropology, San Francisco State University
Brian Bishop
Brian Bishop
Major General, U.S. Air Force (ret.), Fmr. Deputy Chief of Staff, U.N. Command and U.S. Forces Korea
George Chobany
George Chobany
U.S. Army (retired)
Gary Clement
Gary Clement
Former British Royal Marine
Roger Edwards
Roger Edwards
Falkland Islands Executive Council Member
Niall Ferguson
Niall Ferguson
Professor of History, Harvard University
Eric Goss
Eric Goss
Farmer, Goose Green, Falkland Islands
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
Author and Senior Fellow at The Hoover Institution
Sir Max Hastings
Sir Max Hastings
Author and journalist
Parkipuny Kaisoi
Parkipuny Kaisoi
Leader of Massai Community
Eric Leonard
Eric Leonard
Superintendent, Delta One Missile Facility
Bob Mullen
Bob Mullen
Former seaman aboard HMS Sheffield
Dmitry Petrov
Dmitry Petrov
Son of Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov, Soviet Army, who once saved the world
Chris Pursell
Chris Pursell
Former seaman aboard HMS Sheffield
Andrew Roberts
Andrew Roberts
Professor of War Studies, King's College
Kori Schake
Kori Schake
Deputy Director for Policy Planning, U.S. State Department (2007-2008)
Tony Smith
Tony Smith
Native Expert of Falkland Islands Conflict
Karel Straka
Karel Straka
Senior Researcher, National Military Museum
Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Professor of Strategy and Policy, United States War College