Lisa Conyers stopped by The Bill Martinez Show to discuss Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare. The interview touches on the tough challenges facing the welfare system as it exists today. Where are the shortcomings of the system? How do they effect the people who are currently stuck in the system? And what are the long-term effects?
Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare looks at single parents who, like Christine Wiebe, are trying to restart their lives, but find it especially difficult to end their benefits without sacrificing time with their children and a means to pay their bills month to month.
Angel Rodriguez (pictured with his girlfriend Stephanie) is frustrated with the welfare system. In Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare, he discusses how getting a job would actually decrease his income and the effect welfare has on providing for his family.
Sneakers as a way to escape poverty? For those who lose welfare benefits after depositing too much money in the bank, sneaker pawn shops like this one are becoming an alternative to other, possibly illegal ways of making money, as seen in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare explores why married couples on public assistance are penalized once their incomes are combined, leaving families who try to do the right thing struggling even more to make ends meet.
Entering into the welfare system after serving jail time is a trap into which many former prisoners fall. Dedicating himself to a learning a trade, starting a career, and finding his sense of purpose is a decision that turned Richard’s life around, in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
The ties between work and a sense of fulfillment are undeniable, but can be a daily struggle for the 47 million Americans who live in poverty. Find out how the welfare system, meant to help those in poverty, actually keeps them there in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
Looking to correct past mistakes, Monique is working to earn her GED and instill a sense of respect for education in her daughter, despite being met with roadblocks at every turn within the welfare system, as seen in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
Join Free To Choose Media Executive Editor and Cato Senior Fellow Johan Norberg as he investigates the U.S. welfare system and how it is built to keep recipients in poverty, rather than lifting them out, in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
The nuances of multiple government assistance programs are often built in such a way that they penalize welfare recipients for finding work or even getting married. Find out the effects it has on those in poverty in Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.
Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare tells the individual stories of those in the welfare system and how the time they could use looking for a job is often taken up by having to navigate the endless bureaucracy of multiple assistance programs.
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